
My life is changing...for the good...in only 13 weeks!!

Last night my little financial world was rocked and it's because of the man on the picture above!! For the next 91 days I am going to start to get myself out of debt and start saving. I joined 6 other adults (well 7 including the teacher) last night at Crosspoint Church to start Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. (I will now refer to it as "FPU" for the sake of my fingers!) I have struggled with money and finances for a while now, but just never put my mind to it to fix the problems.

I was meeting with my assistant principal one day after school and we were just discussing life in general. I mentioned that I was just stressed about money and she offered this class to me through her church! I immediately knew I needed to do it. It is the perfect time in my life to start this so I jumped on board.

*These next points will be all over the place because my mind is racing with everything I want to tell you guys. So forgive me please! :)

*Sidenote story(this is neat for me and was almost in tears of how happy this made)....at the end of the meeting we were asked to find one more accountability person if we wished outside of our meeting group just to help us along with any "struggles" during the week. I sat and thought of who I should ask to do it. I thought of someone but decided that against that person for various reasons. I thought of someone else, but quickly "x"ed them off the list for other various reasons. I thought of my friend Kelsey because I talk to her a lot and she is good with money and numbers. So I called her on the way home and was telling her about my new adventure and asked her to be my accountability partner. She told me that she had just said that she wanted to be a financial advisor for friends!! How cool!! I had no idea that she wanted to do that and she was wanting to do it for friends! Super exciting!! We were both blown away by it and knew that it was meant to be! ;)

So this is the point of me blogging about this....I have 13 weeks of "lessons/meetings" on Wednesday nights. I have 7 other accountability people to walk through this with me, but I would love for you guys to walk through this with me too in prayer. I'm really excited about this class and can't wait to see how everything works! My goal is to blog after every meeting just to keep myself accountable and to let you guys follow too!!

My first goal is to get $1,000 in a savings account. My plan is to start putting money towards it, but also using some of my tax return money to get me to that $1,000 quicker. Dave Ramsey says that this is the "easiest, but hardest step." This is the step that makes you think "am I going to take this step or not?"

We have to change our priorities in order to save....if it is that important to us, we will save!! Saving money is about emotion and contenment. I have to be ok with where I am than buying something. I have to tell myself that it doesn't matter about anyone or anything else...I am content with where I am.

Proverbs 21:20 "In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has."

Everyone in life is looking for a quick fix, but building weath is a marthon, not a sprint. Will it take a while, absolutely. But you must be disciplined and focused in order to get there. We must be patient.

20% of this is math, 80% is discipline.

Money is "as you will it"!

I am super excited about these next 91 days and the rest of my money saving life!! :)

I'll be back next week with more updates!!

Happy Savings Friends!!

1 comment:

Steven Sarah said...

We finished Financial Peace in December and have been doing it since. I loved it and I hope you will too - Dave is awesome!! Good luck!