
A no reason gift

So today was the first day that I have recieved a gift for no reason from one of my students! It made me unbelievably happy since it has just been one of those years already! Not necessarily regarding the students, but just EVERYTHING we have to get done for each student, on top of everything that needs to be done for teaching, the county expectations, etc.

I envy those teachers that always get gifts for no reason! There are a couple of teachers that I work with that get gifts all the time. And they aren't dumb gifts that won't get used...they are awesome, use everyday type of gifts!! I feel like a have a great relationship with my students and parents, but never have just gotten a gift for no reason!
Until today....this was delivered to me....

My sweet little friend walked in with the cute brown bag with red tissue paper coming out. He said, "Here, this is for you!" I simply asked him why and he repsonded with "Just cause....I made it for you!!" Insert my thought here of "Great, probably something that I am going to have to act like I love it." But when I pulled it out, it was this precious Georgia Bulldog face that he had painted at the pottery place!
It was so sweet of him to think of me. His mom just so happened to call about a totally different issue and I thanked her for the gift. She said that he earned points over the summer for doing school work and different things and he wante to use his points to paint pottery. She said once they got there he was determined to paint something for me! It made it even more special that he used his points for something for me. Super sweet and I love my first "gift for no reason"!!! :)

Thanks S!! You brightened my day!

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