
We've been plagued

with sickness in this household for the past week or two. :( Alex was sick first with a sinus infection and then I got it for just a weekend and then last week got another round of it that I am still recovering from. Landon got the worst of it and is just now feeling better from about 2 weeks ago. It's always worse when babies are sick because you never know what is really hurting them. Landon ran fever for about 3 days and finally the doctor wanted to see him. I was only nervous once when his fever got around 104. (Ladies from the Bible Study know about this...thanks so much for your concern and prayers!!) The doctor said he just had a virus and an ear infection. After last Thursday it just turned into a cold where he couldn't breathe, nose constantly running, etc. Thankfully we're on the uphill side of it and he is on the road to recovery. Those teeth of his decided to start coming through once we thought he was feeling better. So then he just felt crabby because of the 2 teeth, but that second one just finally broke through today!! Now he has a total of 6 teeth! Of course since he hasn't felt good he didn't really want to eat food except for his bottle. So him not eating enough throughout the day caused him to not sleep through the night. Darn it, the minute I get him sleeping through the night, he gets sick and is not totally off again. He still isn't crazy about food right now, but I think he's slowly feeling the food again. Let's hope it won't take him too long. I was totally loving those 3 full nights of sleep! :)
Now that the sickness is getting better in this house I am hoping we are all going to be feeling up to doing things again. It was pure torture last week to go to school. If I could have only just stayed curled up in my pj's. What a dream that is! :)

Until the next update...


Mary Hudgins Balicki said...

Poor little guy - That high of a fever is really scary!!
I've been lifting you guys up and hoping for good days - glad they're here again!!!
Love you.

Leslie said...

Hey Girl,
My fam has been sick too. But not for as long thank goodness. It sure is hard to get up and go to work when you are sick and tired. I am glad ya'll are feeling better.