

*UPDATE: So Landon did sleep through the night last night again!! YAY I'm hoping that he has done it himself! We're trying for 3 nights in a row!!

So if you have talked to me lately about Landon sleeping through the night, you know that is a touchy subject because he still is not sleeping through the night! I have taken away the middle of the night of feeding, but he still has been getting up around midnight. I keep telling myself that I am going to work on it, but every night I would just rather feed him and then be back sleeping soundly in my bed with no screaming since I have to be up at 5:30am! :)
But last night for the first time EVER....he slept from 8 pm to 7:20 am!! WOOHOO. I honestly just assumed that I somehow slept through the crying and my mom rescued him, but this morning there was still milk in the fridge and she said she never even heard him! How exciting is that!?!?! I'm super happy, but still skeptical because he will trick me all the time. He will have a good night and then the next night it will be horrible. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we have another good night tonight!! Keep your fingers crossed for me too!!

-A pretty happy Mom!!


Leslie said...

Congrats!! Maybe he will continue. I just sent you a short article I received but maybe you won't need it. Hooray for a full night's sleep.

sarah may said...

You make me feel so so so better with this situation. I had the same trouble with Micah and could never figure out what I was doing wrong. Congrats to your recent slumber :)

Mary Hudgins Balicki said...

You are a natural - what can you say?? That's awesome, Love!! :)